In Turkey, there are many handicrafts such as lacework, woodcarving, cloth weaving, rug weaving, ceramics, pottery, basketry, copper working, metal work, knitting, etc. In our city, there are three famous crafts : cloth weaving, rug weaving, and basketry. Hereke Rugs Hereke rugs are weaved in a seaside town of Kocaeli,Hereke. Silk, wool and cotton are used as raw material in these rugs. They are weaved in two different ways: wool on cotton lace and silk on silk. Since they are weaved too close, their patterns are so detailed. They are very stro
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The best evidence of the importance of crafts in Castilla La Mancha is the craft fair held every year in Toledo. Farcama is the largest and one of the best craft fairs in Spain. It is
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Maramures is a small and unique location in the geographical heartland of Europe that has carefully and preserved the culture, traditions and lifestyle of the past. The region stands as a testament to traditional; to a romantic era of simplicity, pride and moral values that many of us can only now read about or hear from our grandparents.You will discover through the text our tradional crafts,like wood carving,pottery , fabrics and traditional costum
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